Minimize risks of cannabis use

At the beginning a mystery: What is it? You can not acquire or own it by law, but you can consume it unpunished. Like now, is not it? However, German legislation makes this possible for the most popular recreational drug after alcohol. Cannabis, also known as Grass, Marijuana, Kif, Weed or Ghanja, is covered by the German Narcotics Act (BtMG) and both trading and possession are punishable. But you can smoke a joint, at least in theory, because practically you can not own it. I love such gum paragraphs, because they show so wonderful the absurdity of the German legislation in matters of private intoxication. Do I pull on the joint of a friend,? Own? If I do not mean it in the true sense of the word, I am therefore not liable to prosecution, but merely commit a so-called "penalty-free self-injury". Hear hear!

More than 3 million potheads in Germany

Anyway? Apparently, many people do not care about such confusing laws, at least let figures from an estimate of the Federal Center for Health Education suggest that about 3.1 million of German adults consume more or less regular cannabis. With approximately 61.9 million adults in Germany (all eligible voters in 2017) makes the whopping 5.01 percent. If there were a pothead party and all stoners entitled to vote would vote, the 5 percent hurdle would have been taken. These figures may please keep in mind all those who claim to have nothing to do with potheads. Even if they do not pot themselves, the probability is very high that someone from the surrounding area likes to pull on the joint. Whether your children, grandchildren, friends or acquaintances belong to it? who knows, it does not stand anyone - a killing criminal? written on the forehead.

When will the legalization come?

Experts of all disciplines agree that the question is not whether there will be a legalization, but when it will come. Other countries make it: The cannabis cultivation is nationalized (tax revenue!), The levy for private recreational use regulated and the state still does not collapse. Most proponents of controlled legalization in Germany are in the age group of 18 to 29 year olds (52.5%), the least in the age group 65 plus (17.4%). We will see. Since the approval of cannabis as a prescription drug in March 2017, the topic is increasingly coming into focus. On the subject of cannabis as medicine? There was also a very informative post on The FruitAndFlowerBasket, read here: Cannabis as medicine: What should I know?

Minimize risks

Any legal or illegal drug has unwanted side effects in addition to its desired effect? For example, around 74,000 people in Germany die annually from the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption. Anyone who decides to risk a risky drink, at least approves of his early death. Not unlike the cannabis: Who decides to kiffen, it takes risks. The following tips should help to minimize these risks. They are aimed at all adult and enlightened people who, despite the existing ban on cannabis, have decided to use the drug for their private pleasure. My contribution is neither intended to animate the consumption of cannabis products nor to downplay the associated risks.

The complete abandonment

If you want to avoid all risks, there is only one option: to renounce. Point.

Smoking weed? please only adults

The human brain undergoes a major makeover during puberty. Scientists suspect that increased cannabis use in this phase of life can delay the conversion process or even disturb sustainable. Therefore, for adolescents and adolescents: Stay away from the joint.

The dosage

Thanks to new breeding and cultivation methods, cannabis nowadays has a much higher active ingredient content than it did 15 or 20 years ago (experts say it has a tenfold increase in potency). Therefore, always start with the lowest possible dosage to avoid an undesirably strong effect.

Steaming instead of smoking

One of the most harmful factors in killing is the high amount of pollutants that are produced when burning cannabis. In addition, the pollutant load is added by the tobacco normally added during smoking. In the specialized trade so-called Vaporisatoren are now available, which represent an alternative to the joint or bong (water pipe). In these devices, the drug is released by mere heating from the cannabis and then inhaled. There is no combustion process, therefore eliminating the harmful and carcinogenic smoke components entirely. However, caution should be exercised when dosing. Vaporisatoren allow a much higher yield of the active ingredients contained in the plant material, i. the same amount of marijuana acts evaporated (vaporiser) more than burned (joint or bong).

Eating instead of smoking

Cannabis can not only be smoked but also eaten (hash biscuits or similar). Interested parties will find numerous recipes on the Internet. However, the onset of action sets in with up to an hour of delay and the intensity of the intoxication is more difficult to assess than cannabis smoking. To prevent unwanted surprises should be worked here with correspondingly low dosages.

Take regular breaks

Unlike alcohol, cannabis does not produce any proven physical addiction. But it is quite possible that with regular consumption psychic habituation sets in. This applies to a greater extent to people who are also addicted to addictive behavior in other areas of life. It is therefore advisable to take regular Kiff breaks to check the importance of the drug in your own life and to critically question your personal addictive behavior.

Reducing Harms for Non-Medical Cannabis Use | April 2024