Preparing fish (all white fish species, carp, tench etc.)

Prepare fish according to the 3 S system (clean, acidify, salt), then marinate with onions, bay leaf and allspice (bay leaf and allspice previously grind in an old hammer mill) for about 8-12 hours.

Soup greens (leek, carrot, celery, kohlrabi) with a strong Buoillon cook. It gives a strong vegetable broth. It needs to be made so much that the fish is well covered in it. Put in the fish and let it cook, do not cook. For this boiled potatoes are served.

As a sauce, I take off enough Fichsud, leave it to boil and give it to Andicken flour in sour cream whisked into it. Bring to a boil and the sauce is ready.

Remove the fish from the broth and place on suitable plates. Then pour the whole with brown butter. Potatoes, a lot of sauce and some of the fish butter - tastes delicious.

How to pick FISHING HOOKS - types, sizes, brands, setups. How to catch fish. Fishing tips | April 2024