Problems installing from Internet Explorer 7

Well, already annoyed by the message "Internet Explorer installation was not completed" ??? Microsoft offers rather meaningless help.

But this is how it works:

Click Start, then Run, type "regedit" and find the key "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTInterface {34A715A0-6587-11D0-924A-0020AFC7AC4D}" Once you find it, right-click it, go to Permissions, and make one Full access for the administrator.

In addition, I would still check whether the also ticked subfolders: ProxyStubClsid, ProxyStubClsid32 and TypeLib have also been given full rights for the administrator. If it does not, just catch up

, Finally, click ok and the Internet Explorer 7 installation is already running smoothly.

How to Run Internet Explorer 7 in Windows 10 | May 2024