Remove adhesive strips from fly screens

In recent days I have combed through various forums to find a viable solution to remove old adhesive strips (about 15 years old) of no longer existing fly screens from our plastic windows. Trials with a hair dryer and nail polish remover only meant that the adhesive residue smeared a little, but there were no visible successes. Have followed several tips and written my own experience and yes, I have been successful.

You need the following items:

2-3 tubes / cans cheap cream (I used hand and foot cream)
1-2 rolls of kitchen paper
1 screwdriver, rather narrow than too wide
Baby wipes
Cotton wool or cotton wool pads
nail polish remover
possibly gloves
ALSO strength, a lot of time and more patience!

Remove adhesive tape, if still available.

Now liberally grease the adhesive residues with cream, close window and min. Allow to act for 24 hours. It can also be 3-4 days.

Use the kitchen paper to pick up excess cream and use the screwdriver under pressure to roll up the adhesive strips in long strokes. Possibly. you only get down the first layer, then start again with point 2.

Try to remove as much adhesive residue as possible with the screwdriver, then scrub the adhesive residue away with plenty of kitchen paper. Always looking for a free corner and wipe, wipe, wipe. The nail polish remover brings nothing at this time, because you smeared the remainders only wide area.

Smaller glue scraps can now be scraped away with the baby wipes; also the seals can be cleaned hereby.

The last glue residues can now be removed with cotton wool pad and nail polish remover.

Wipe everything with the baby wipes - done!

I could not find any scratch marks from the screwdriver on the window frame. On the outside of the windows I could make out a small yellow border (where the windows came into contact with the cream). The windows are 30 years old - it may be that the edge has already existed or the plastic has actually reacted with the cream. But I do not care - you can not see from inside and outside and I'm happy that the window frames do not look so scary when they're aired. Good luck - the effort is worth it!

Adhesive Remover - Perfectly Remove Glue from the Screen Frame. | April 2024