Save time in the morning

Tip to save time in the morning.

Hello dear morning muffle, for many, this may not be a tip, but for me it was one, and if it is still so obvious. I'm a real morning mustache, and when I suddenly had to get up for a vacation job for a few weeks at 4:30, he proved very successful.

If you oversleep, I think it's the worst thing to know, if I start right now I'll be on time, but I still have to take a shower, put on clothes, this, that ...

If you know exactly that you often oversleep, turn off the alarm again and again without realizing it, and so on, then I would like to share my tips with you.

1. Showers

Take a shower in the evening (including hair). If you sweat a lot at night (and / or wake up on time) you can shower off the body again in the morning, but if you overslept it is a crazy time saver, if you know I'm clean, my hair is not greasy, let's go '. Personally, I do not like to style my hair and go to bed with a peasant's braid, so that my hair does not stand in the morning in all directions.

2. Put out clothes

Especially for us women * grin *. Put your clothes out in the evening before, down to the last detail, including underwear, socks. Put shoes, jacket, scarf etc. on the front door.

3rd bag

The bag should already be packed when going to bed and stand / hang on the door, etc. - but do not forget to put the phone in the morning.

4. Make-up

Have a make-up bag with the necessary things in your pocket. If you have time: with it or how you feel like make up at home. Falling asleep: put on a make-up on the bus - who drives a car: in the office first on the toilet and the necessary things hang up.

5. Breakfast

If you have overslept and it is really important to arrive on time, you should be able to do without MAL. But you can easily (again 'just in case') have an apple and a cold coffee to go in the fridge at hand, and if time is breakfast you are right.

Sooo these were my time optimization tips. That's how it took me only 7 minutes to get up and leave the house in summer.

Maybe many things are obvious, but I first had to get it all together, so I realized how much time you can actually save!