Servietteentechnik - Cheap variant for the special adhesive

I really like the thing with the napkin technology, if only because the "special glue" would not be so expensive ... So I tried a cheap variant to save money and it works great.

So instead of the expensive glue, I take simple cheap wallpaper paste and, finally, who has dried everything, I still paint a view of the wallpaper protection, let it dry and it is ready and can be wiped off without the expensive special glue. On average, you pay 7 - 8 € for both, which is enough for half an eternity.

Here is a little suggestion:

Take a plywood board (there are already small packaged in the hardware store), paint the surface with Aqrylfarbe at will and stick the desired napkin with wallpaper paste on it, e.g. cut up a nice napkin with coffee motives and separate them from the views (only the layer of the motif may remain) and stick it on as desired. (So ​​I made my pictures for the kitchen quickly and cheaply myself.)

Finally, when everything is dry, paint over it again with wallpaper protection - and done.

The picture (photo) I bought so blank, and made the same as described above. Just screw in the hook and I already have a pot holder that fits the kitchen equipment.

Of course you can use both glues on other surfaces for the napkin technique.