Sweet and sour potatoes

I love wok dishes, especially as a basis for diets, diet changes & Co. A Thai colleague gave me some tips, which should never be missing in my kitchen, among others. light and dark soy sauces, a few cans of pineapple, neutral vegetable oil, vegetable stock, various types of vinegar, brown sugar and fresh herbs. By and large, I stick to it. One of her recipes - sweet and sour potatoes - I'll put in here now:

You will need 1 pound of firm cooking potatoes, pinch of salt, 300 grams of zucchini, 1-2 onions, 2 cloves of garlic, 100 grams of leaf spinach (if TK, thaw and drain well), 1 tablespoon of the neutral vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of the light soy sauce , 50 ml of the vegetable broth (I always take the organic vegetable broth, because the other has too much off-taste or too salty), 250 g pineapple pieces together with 150 ml juice, 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons brown sugar (eg also tea sugar but no candy).

The potatoes are soft-boiled in plenty of salted water in about 20 minutes. Drain in a sieve and allow to steam slightly, peel and cut into 2 cm thick cubes.

In between, wash and clean the zucchini and cut into cubes as well. Peel onion and garlic and weigh finely. Wash the (fresh) spinach well, read it, drain it. If necessary, pat dry with a little kitchen paper. Drain the pineapple, catch the juice and set aside.

Heat the oil in the wok (or deep-fryed pan), fry the onion and garlic in a glassy sauce, add the zucchini, potatoes and then the spinach and allow to fry for about 2 minutes. With the pineapple pieces, the vegetable broth and the pineapple juice, the whole extinguish.

Then stir in the soy sauce, apple cider vinegar and brown sugar under the vegetables and bring to a boil. Season with a pinch of salt.

If you have, serve the dish in small bowls with chopsticks and then add an Asian brandy or plum wine. Or the dish is set on a plate, e.g. with basmati rice and garnish with a leaf of mint leaves.

In the summer I always pull fruit mint (Kiepenkerl) myself. For the above recipe I take pineapple mint as a decoration.

The dish should be enough for 4 servings and is low in calories. So about 200 kcal per person. No higher-calorie foods have been overcooked.

Honey Chilli Potato Recipe | Crispy Restaurant Style Starters - CookingShooking | May 2024