Time out for yourself and for body care!

Recently I visited an old lady (85) and was amazed that she was already in her nightgown at 8 o'clock to watch TV. She told me that she has been doing so for decades: after dinner, she always set the table for breakfast and put everything at the ready, except what had to be in the fridge.

Then she dressed for the night, so brushing her teeth, etc., and then put on a pretty nightgown, with which she could also on the street in case of need (or go doggy gassi) or at the door, if someone had rang the bell from the house , Then she spent the evening doing what she still had to do in the household or watching TV or reading a book.

But when she was tired, she could go to bed immediately without a fuss. In her opinion, this has led to her falling asleep and not being awake for hours. She said that if you only get ready for the night, when you get tired, then you will wake up properly again and never get to hang up this mask that you always wanted to do or take a foot bath or somehow to do something good for the beauty.
I do that now too and have never since spent much time awake at night. So that has something!

Shower Routine | Self Care Night Time Personal Hygiene Routine | April 2024