Vodka with anchovy

Old Russian trick to increase the schnapps compatibility: Before you tip your vodka glass, you eat each an oil anchovy. As a result, the mucus and gastric mucus walls are nicely coated with a greasy film that prevents the back-dripping alcohol from rising too fast and too blatantly into the blood.

There are also pubs that serve "vodka with anchovy" (which then hangs from a toothpick into the glass) as a complete package. The "recipe" sounds funny, but tastes completely obvious after the first time - because 1. you taste the "clear" sharpness the better when it fights by the fishy taste, and 2. tastes vodka anyway for nothing else. Whatever the reason why it would be a sin, the anchovy, for example, to eat Obstler ... ;-)

Anchovies Mixed With Vodka & Taste Test | May 2024