
This recipe I received from a colleague after a dispute. I was just finished with my training as a nurse and moved, not yet 20, with my just-married husband in the wide world, well 400km away from home. Since I had a colleague, which was really bad, I could not please. In a quarrel, I cursed her as a cinnamon, and the next day she arrived with this delicious cinnamon cake, which since then was called only cinnamon biscuit cake.

Beat 6 egg whites and 6 tablespoons of cold water until stiff and add 200 g of sugar while stirring.

120 g of flour and 120 g of cocoa with half a teaspoon of baking powder under the egg whites, as well as the 6 egg yolks, which were previously stirred.

Spread springform with baking paper, pour in the dough and bake at 175 degrees for 45 minutes. Absolutely chopstick test. Cut the cooled biscuit into 3 slices.

For the filling, pour 100 g of coconut flakes with 125 ml of milk and allow to swell for 30 minutes, then stir in 2 tablespoons of brandy.

Beat 400 ml of cream stiff with vanilla sugar and strain into the coconut mixture. Spread half of the filling on the 1st floor, put on the 2nd floor and lightly press and drizzle with a teaspoon of brandy (can be more), put on the 3rd floor, press down and pour 1 egg white, 250 g Spread icing sugar, 1 tbsp brandy and 1 tbsp cinnamon. Serve well chilled.