BBQ with charcoal - just make a fire

The German is, as far as the barbecue, apparently an addict.

However, he now has the problem of sheer civilization that he often does not get it. So all kinds of inventions and rumgebastelt - hair dryer connect, hundreds of varieties of grill lighters, or it is made with gasoline and spirit of all sorts of nonsense, which not only annoyed the neighbors with stench as at the refinery, but also conjures up many serious accidents every year.

The problem is that most people do not know how to light a fire, and have never made a fire without aids.

1. You need patience, stand up with hustle and stopwatch, brings most people nothing at all.

2. To make a fire you need tinder - this is a dry mixture of highly flammable material. This can be hair, cotton wool, cotton lint, paper and cardboard pieces or sawdust.

When grilling in the charcoal grill you just take something or simple pieces of egg carton, newspaper, etc. and ignite them with the lighter. When the flame goes out, you still have embers - and that's enough. The longer the flame burns, the more glow it creates.

Above the embers you can now position the wood - when grilling the charcoal, it is important that hardly any cold air comes from the outside. You build a small cave around the embers.

3. Now it starts. This is the real art, the "blowing on" of the embers. That requires feeling and exercise.

When it glows and smokes, first gently breathe air to heat the embers. Distance about 30 cm. Then inflate with slowly increasing force - but not so strong that ashes and embers fly around. Just before that is enough. The coal next to the embers will start to glow very quickly.

Continue to inflate - stronger and stronger - the smoke will increase, so be careful not to inhale too much smoke. At the end you will hear it crackling and the charcoal will inflame itself.

Let it burn and disperse and mix the glowing coals in the grill. Now again about 1-2 minutes to hurry after the previous principle and you can override the rust and meat over it.

After grilling, do not make the mistake of throwing away the old coal and all the ashes. The old coal will burn faster at the next barbecue than the fresh one.

How to: Light a Grill the Right Way | April 2024