Caries prophylaxis: tip for traveling and also for children

Hello, today a tip that is great against tooth decay. Although this has been known for a long time - but at least in my circle of acquaintances, nobody knew that. So here's the tip for you:

Use a pinch of birch sugar after eating. Just after the meal a pinch in the mouth and suck. Rinse the sweet birch sugar in the mouth and distribute it everywhere. Then you can spit it out (if you want to save the calories) - or simply swallow it. At home, I use a large pack, which I have put in a glass, on the way the sticks - such a stick is enough for 3-4 applications! So you can care for the teeth everywhere after eating ...

How does birch sugar work? Very easily; The sugar can not be metabolised by the caries bacteria - they even die from it! Thus, no caries can arise. It even has a long-term effect, as the caries bacteria are greatly reduced and a "new case" is also delayed.

Another fact about birch sugar; it is 1: 1 the same sweet as normal sugar, but has only half the calories. It is a bit too expensive to bake, but it is ideal for having a cup of coffee in the morning, and for caries prophylaxis.

The birch sugar is in the health food store as well as in the network at Ama ... (would not advertise, but since there is no health food store here, I have to order the sugar online).

Editor's tip:
Premium birch sugar from Finland is available here on Amazon: Wiezucker Premium

Dental Health Check for Kids | April 2024