Clean copper pots

Oh, dear, the copper pots have to be cleaned, FM? There was something, but which of the many tips was that again, the works easily?

Anyway, I noticed that a splash of lemon juice, which had rolled down the pot, had left a spotless track. Just try it, that was my idea. Lemon juice, why not?

So that the whole thing can be distributed evenly and does not run down immediately, I have just sprinkled flour on half of the lemon again and again. Thus, this gave a homogeneous thing. The lemon was supple (the fingers were not affected) spread over the pot.

You can see immediately how it gets shiny. Jobs that did not want to give up quickly got a "lookup". Leave for a short while and rub over it again with the sponge. Was enthusiastic.

So far, this is the easiest way to get the copper blank quickly.

How to Clean a Copper Pan | April 2024