Clean dirty cuticles

The tip on how to clean dirty cuticles is especially for children who like to dig in the garden and paint with felt-tip pens.

Play dough, earth, Nutella, felt pen color - everything that makes children fun, forms an unbeatable dirt mix, which also likes to settle in the nail beds and under the nails. With simple hand washing it is not done here.

In stubborn cases, a simple hand bath has proven itself, even in the evening in front of the TV - then the child keeps his hands sometimes for a while in the hand bath.

All you need is a bowl, about 2 liters of warm water and a bag of baking soda. The baking powder is added to the water, which hisses and tingles beautifully and dissolves the dirt from the hands. 5-10 minutes in this handbath cause good results.

Then you can treat the fingertips (gently) with the root brush, then dry your hands and cream. So the nastiest dirt would have to be out.