dizziness roast

The swine roast is a rather little-known Franconian specialty, which is supposed to pretend to unsuspecting people that the pig they are eating is a wild boar. But 'roast roast' or 'dishonored roast' does not sound so good, so you can not call the dish in francs 'dumplings roast', otherwise some francs think of veal roast (veal = moggerla). A little cheating or cheating, however, must be allowed. Seriously, I have eaten worse "wild" roast pork. Originally, hunting was not allowed for ordinary people and to buy the game was too expensive, that's why innovative women just "swindle". To make normal pig "wild", only a small gimmick is required. Peel a bunch of soup greens and dice. Steam with a diced onion in a little fat or oil. Pour with half a liter of red wine, half a liter of good red wine vinegar, one liter of water. The cup of a lemon, a bay leaf, a tablespoon of salt, a tablespoon of basil, an tablespoon of cloves, two tablespoons of crushed juniper berries, two tablespoons of peppercorns, 100 grams of mustard seeds and now - tadaaa - the gimmick: 2 small spruce branches. Boil all the stuff together and let cool. When the stain is cold, place one to one and a half kilos of pork neck and let it rest for about 10 days in the refrigerator or other cold, dark place, turning it daily. Then it gets to the point, sweetheart: heat a roasting pan in the oven. Melt two tablespoons of butter lard, fry the well-patted pork neck all around. Add the stain regularly. It will take about one and a half to two hours to roast. When the roast is ready, remove it from the tube, wrap it in aluminum foil and push it back into the oven. Soak the gravy cake in a bowl (about 10 minutes). Bring the sauce to a boil. Dilute the soaked gravy cake with a little of the gravy, stir into the remaining already boiling gravy, cook for 15 minutes, then strain through a fine sieve into another saucepan. A cup of cream. Season with salt, pepper and sugar, possibly instant broth and cranberries. There are also red cabbage and bread or silk dumplings and of course even more cranberries.

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