Spicy horse roulade

Recently there has been a very intense discussion about horsemeat, mostly with false claims.

Horsemeat is a very high quality product, low in fat and low in cholesterol.

This is how the spicy horse roulade is prepared:

  1. Per person about 1/2 cm thin slice, best cut by the butcher. Salt and pepper on both sides.
  2. Then, as with the beef roulades, spread a little spicy mustard, then put a thin slice of bacon, a piece of gherkin and a piece of onion.
  3. Roll the whole thing together and either with a roulade needle or toothpick or roll clamps provided.
  4. Heat some olive oil in a large saucepan with a little butter salt. Fry the roulades vigorously from both sides.
  5. Now add about 2 soup cups with chopped root vegetables. If I have it, I would like to add one or two parsley roots or frozen parsley stalks, which have emerged over time. Tie the stems together best, then you can remove them later easier.
  6. Also, I give one or two unpeeled raw potato for better binding in the pot, including a whole (with peel!) Onion for a good flavor.
  7. Now it is all poured with a bottle of mulled wine and it is about 2 1/2 hours - with cover - schmuggel in front of him.
  8. Check it out every now and then and maybe add some liquid with mulled wine or meat broth.
  9. After this time, the roulades should be buttery soft. A little prick with the meat fork can determine this. Better a little longer than too short.
  10. The liquid from the pot with the root vegetables, the potato and the onion (without peel) either through a blender or with the blender to hit so you get a nice creamy sauce, a little cream to harm never.

The mulled wine gives you a very good seasoning, who likes to spice it up.

Spicy Kale with Bacon and Garlic | May 2024