Dream profession educator

No, I did not come up with this headline myself. She jumped me last week in the form of an advertising sticker in the subway line 1. Fat white letters on a Facebook blue background. At the edge a small reference to the author of this daring statement: The Klax-Kitas in Berlin. I relished that with relish on the cerebral cortex? Dream profession educator.

Aha, I thought, watching the little Kreuzberg hippie family sitting diagonally across from me. Or partly lying on his back (that's about the three-year-old child), drumming with his feet against the seat back and screaming for something that I did not understand correctly.

? IIIIIWWWWOHOHOLLTTEAHAHABERNOHOCHNIHICHGEHEHEEEN? or something like that. I was about to get up, reassuringly put my hand on my slightly panicky mother's shoulder and say, "Shhh, all right. From here I take over. I am a state recognized educator. The child grabbed a couple of mom's dreadlocks and tugged at it, causing Dad to begin tugging at the child. Something about the hippies, I thought, about Love and Peace and all. I did not get up, I said nothing. If I have learned one thing in my active time as an educator, then this: Never interfere with the upbringing of a child as long as the birth parents are present. When the three of them, still clinging to each other, got out at the Kotti, it was quiet again in the subway car and I thought of my time as an educator.

I came to the profession of the educator quite late in my life. I had worked for several years on children's integration trips of the Berliner Lebenshilfe e.V., first as an economic power, then as a caregiver. With this background, the step to educator training was the logical evolution. That was in 1997, I had just turned 30. Including the internships during the three-year training, I worked for a total of 13 years as an educator until it was no longer possible because of an accident. That's longer than I could ever imagine working in one and the same job. And this is exactly where one of the secrets of educational life lies: no day is like the other. Of course, there are certain routines and rituals that recur every day, but they only do a small part of the job. And even within these rituals, the feeling of routine seldom arises, as their course always varies with the daily routine of all participants.

My protégés (I hate the technical term of the clientele) have become increasingly younger during the 13 years. I started in a youth club (12 to 20-year-olds), then came a school shop (6 to 12-year-olds), then a Protestant daycare (2 to 6-year-olds) and finally a private crèche (1 to 3-year-olds) , This means: The range of possible activities of an educator ranges from playing pool with teens, to homework help with schoolchildren and building sand castles with children to diaper changing nappies in toddlers. Of course, there is much more to be done, the examples are just to illustrate how versatile the profession of the educator is.

The times when the job title? Kindergarten teacher? even the cliché of coffee-drinking quasseltante anhing are (at least here in Berlin) over. Whether educators do important preschool work, parents of toddlers allow work to go or get teens off the streets? The profession is and remains of immense importance to our society. So, now I've gotten very far to get to the tip of this post, but now: Any young person who is still looking for the right job and can deal well with people (especially children), should think about an educator training , And any older person who is dissatisfied in his current job should be smart about the possibilities of retraining as an educator. Here I list the benefits of the job, but I would not hide the disadvantages.

Per educator

  • Educators are desperately wanted, especially male educators go away like the proverbial hot cakes.
  • The profession is crisis-proof. There will always be children (or other carers).
  • Working with children keeps you young.
  • You can be very creative at work. Making music, tinkering (may I not say, it's officially? Design?) And painting belong to the tools of an educator.
  • You get a lot of (positive) positive feedback from the children.
  • Educators are often out in the open air and move a lot (should they at least).

Contra educator

  • The pay is, at least for now, bad. Let's see if anything changes under the flag of Jamaica.
  • The responsibility is very big. That does not necessarily mean a downside, but you really have to be on the quivive every moment.
  • The personnel key in most facilities is bad.
  • It can be very loud at work sometimes.

The listing makes no claim to completeness. I am sure that here at TheFruitAndFlowerBasket there are quite a few educators who will supplement that in the comments.

Back to the advertising sticker in the subway? Dream profession educator.This is certainly not unlimited and not for everyone. But basically: Yes, for me that has been absolutely right for a long time. Buy now Special terms for educators Special terms for educators 11,90 ?

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