Food moths notice and fight

It is the darn natural products, with which one can get food moths into the house. Although I conscientiously fill everything in glass containers, put a few bay leaves on oatmeal and semolina and all that the moths like so infest, stuffed with vinegar soaked cotton balls in the holes that are intended for height adjustment of the boards.

Have worked with tea tree oil and wiped and cleaned, nevertheless, they appear again and again. Preferably they fly in the spring, but then they have already done their mischief, because what flies, has already eaten full as a mini-beast and left fine webs.

Now I got the motto triangle for testing. This is not just a tape, but there is also a lure included. Actually, I thought, there will not drankleben, because I have well taken care of - thought. I cut the triangle and put it in different cabinets - and - see photo.

According to the recommendation of the manufacturer, this adhesive triangle is intended to detect an attack with food moths at all.

It is recommended to examine the food stock, dispose of infested food and in future to fill things in suitable, mothproof containers.

So I heard glass containers with metal lids, safe with aluminum foil and hope that these natural power motto parts do their job. All of my lovely and labor-intensive home remedies have not really made any difference. So I'm going to stock up on those parts of nature's power, with murderous intent to protect my food. Whoever flies and sticks can not lay new eggs.

Supported by Naturkraft and TheFruitAndFlowerBasket with a free product.

How To Get Rid Of Moths In Your House | April 2024