Free alternative to "Swiffer" floor towels

An alternative to "Swiffer" floor towels, which is completely free, is shown in this tip:

Do you have a "swiffer" for dusting the floor? It can be a no-name device. It is important that you can "pinch" the matching cloths. See photo 1. Even if the cloths are already cheap, e.g. at dm there? Do not buy at all and I will prefer to recycle existing ones.

In the past, people used to cut discarded clothing into cleaning rags or pick-ups. Today one cleans (thank goodness) differently, but still clothes fall on, which are now so scary, that one does not even want to throw them into the old clothes container.

My idea: I cut out handy handkerchiefs that I can clamp in the Swiffer broom. I wet with a flower syringe with water lightly (!) And go with it on the ground. The effect: all dust is attracted. Almost better than the originally intended dry towels.

We also have that we have dogs and with the wet method, dog hair "stick" great.

HOW TO- DIY Reusable Swiffer Wet Jet Pads!! Part 1 | April 2024