Ham rolls with cream cheese

Here's a great recipe, simple, fast and tasty ...

You need:

- cooked ham

- cream cheese m. Herbs (or with paprika, with so many varieties that there is now, the creativity is limitless)

- Gouda cheese

Dab the cooked ham gently with a kitchen towel, smear with cream cheese, a slice of Gouda (make sure that the Gouda does not stick over the ham) and then roll it up.

Depending on how many rolls you make, either place in a casserole dish (with the "seam" down), or I'll take with larger amounts of a baking sheet laid out with aluminum foil.

Now the oven to 200 degrees, ham rolls in and wait about 10-15 min. Or. if you see that the cheese runs well, those things are done;) (never looked so closely at the clock)

Whether for the party, or just to a salad for dinner, or whatever ... I say really delicious!

Ham, Cream Cheese & Pickle Roll Ups | April 2024