Licorice - enjoy with caution!

Recently I read in an article about the dangers of excessive liquorice enjoyment. A 44-year-old woman suffered a heart attack, and after waking she suffered from shortness of breath and tightness in the chest - a clear sign of a heart attack. However, the doctor found a vasospastic angina, a form of angina pectoris. This is a cramping of the coronary vessels, which leads to a circulatory disorder of the heart muscle. This cramping could then be solved by nitrogents.

It then turned out that the patient had eaten a whole bag (200 grams) of licorice the day before her seizure. Licorice is known to be obtained from licorice root, and this contains the active ingredient Glycyrrhizin. Eating too much may alter the mineral metabolism with sodium accumulation, water retention, and potassium deficiency, which can then increase blood pressure and muscle weakness.

For most licorice products, the maximum glycyrrhizin content is 200 mg / 100 g. If the content is higher, this product must be labeled as? Strong liquorice? be marked. However, if the level is greater than 400 mg / 100 g, the following label is required: • Contains licorice - in the case of high blood pressure, excessive consumption of this product should be avoided.

It is generally recommended to limit glycyrrhizin intake to 100 mg / day when consumed on a regular basis. Normally, most licorice products offered in the supermarket contain licorice root extract, but in such small amounts that can not be harmful to children or adults. Otherwise, there are sometimes liquorice with the imprint? Adult liquorice - no Kinderlakritz !?