Longer joy in the bouquet

There are so many tips that supposedly cut flowers keep fresh for a long time, of which I had already tested some and would like to report here of really useful tips.

What never worked:

  • Sugar in the water, my flowers wilted much faster!
  • Copper coins into the water, no does not work!
  • Citric acid is also not a real tip!
  • Tap the ends of the stems to make them feel better, no, please do not!
  • Too often cut or even detergent in the water, all nonsense!

What really helps:

  • When you buy, it is best to take a wet kitchen towel with you so that you do not dry out the entire transport.
  • Use a large vase so that the stems can spread.
  • Choose a bright, cool location without direct sunlight.
  • Since fruits spray a ripening gas, cut flowers should never be stored near the fruit basket.
  • Very important is the cutting after the purchase, with a sharp knife, cut each stem about 2 cm across and put directly into the vase. It should be noted that the vase is necessarily very clean and without residues, otherwise bacteria form.
  • Not only pour the small packet of flower food into the water, but also stir it well with a spoon, so that the nutrients can spread well and not just on the bottom of the vase.
  • At the second cut after a few days you can add an aspirin to the water and stir, the flowers will last much longer.

How to make your cut flowers last longer | April 2024