Make fragrance flower syrup

Fragrant flowers make delicious syrup. This starts with the sloe flowers, then continues with the flowers of the bird cherry, elderberry, garden lilac, robinia and linden to the summer meadow. Here I pick woodruff, dandelion, plantain flowers (broadleaf plantain), valerian flowers and now in July especially the aromatic meadowsweet and lavender. I have also perfume geraniums processed and of course roses!

Collect the flower panicles as early as possible in the morning and on a dry day, then shake off vermin and place them in a tall clear glass (cucumbers are perfect) and sprinkle with fine sugar.

For dandelion flowers, which are very thick, I put a layer of flowers on the glass bottom, which I cover with a uniform layer of sugar, then flowers again, then again sugar, which is also completed.

Meadowsweet I put, flowering down, in the glass and fill up with sugar.

It is important that the flowers are completely covered with the sugar thick. 1.5 to 2 kg of sugar fits on a cucumber flower. Close the glass.

This flower-sugar mixture glass then comes to a south window or on the balcony and it stays there until the sugar has dissolved, then it looks like honey (and only has to be poured through a cheesecloth), or at least until he has bonded to a crystalline mass. Then I carefully heat the glass in a water bath, then dilute the liquid mass with water and also pour it through a gauze or linen cloth to fish out the flowers.

This syrup has an incredibly intense aroma and keeps well sealed and now protected from light for almost a year.

I make ice cream, fruit salad dressings, season spicy sauces and chutneys or jams and drinks with it.

Of course you can also give spices to the flowers or create flower mixtures. For example, dandelion and cardamom are wonderfully matched or woodruff and vanilla.