Mulberry jam


Preparation time: 50 min.
Cooking or baking time: 10 min.
Total preparation time: 1 hr.

The white mulberry tree bears blackberry-like fruits, from which one can cook a good jam.

The white mulberry tree - morus alba - is a beautiful tree that grows to almost three meters high. The treetop grows like a screen, it wonderfully donates shade. The fruits look like elongated blackberries that are not all ripe at the same time. That means you can harvest over several weeks. The fruits taste sweet as raisins, you can easily make a jam from it.

As the fruits contain a lot of pectin, simple table sugar is enough. On 1 pound of fruit I take 400 grams of sugar and cook the jam with stirring until the point of gelation. Then you fill the jam in screw jars or simply bowls, if it is eaten immediately.

The mulberry tree - there are many varieties - is often mentioned in the fairy tale - and the caterpillars of the silk moth feed exclusively on the leaves of the mulberry tree. So without mulberry trees - no raw silk!

We’re Jamming!! How to make Mulberry Jam! | April 2024