Nail hardener P2 Ultra Strong for brittle & splintering fingernails

Every woman sometimes knows brittle, splintering and soft fingernails. If illness-related causes can be ruled out and the cause is not the use of aggressive cleaning agents, etc., it is often simply predisposition. For these cases, many use very expensive nail hardeners, such as Mavala.

The recognized works great, but also has its price: 5 ml cost 13 euros. Who does not like to spend so much, I can recommend the P2 nail hardener Ultra Strong in the black bottle (see picture). Cures at least as well and 10 ml, so twice the amount, cost 2 euros in the dm drugstore. You actually notice a difference after the first two applications.

The ingredient consists among other things of formaldehyde in a concentration of 4% (up to 5% are approved in Germany), this penetrates into the keratin cells of the nail and consolidates them, which is also the reason that he already hardened splintered nail tips can. Formaldehyde is also present in almost all nail varnishes in a much lower concentration, but this is not enough for proper hardening.

I apply the P2 Ultra Strong twice within two weeks, only on the nail tips, not on the nail plate. It has to stay flexible because the nail is still growing. I have well protected the cuticle with a nail oil. I'll have to use it again in two or three weeks. Thus, this nail hardener is super effective and also economical in use and in price. The liquid is colorless and absorbs quickly.

Oh yes, that is of course no free ticket for the use of aggressive cleaning agents. Of course, those who use them frequently have to protect their nails well with appropriate gloves.

Would be glad if I could help someone.

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