New apartment - curtains too small?

The new apartment is great, the big windows too - but the curtains!

They fit so well with the furniture and actually there is no money for new curtains ... what to do?

You can extend or extend curtains very well.

What you need is an extra substance.

Something that fits the existing curtain. But it is also a sheet from grandma's linen closet. Because white actually always fits, makes you fresh and radiant. Or a transparent curtain fabric.

Curtains can be found at Hauf Internet auctions or at the flea market, in social department stores.

If the curtain needs to be widened, cut it vertically into strips, and sew the contrasting fabric as well as these strips alternately.

If the curtain is to be longer, you can just cut across it into strips and sew together with the contrast fabric, but you can also cut the strips of different widths, so the lowest wider the next narrower, narrower again, etc.

I hope you understand what I mean...

And now I'm curious about the questions that will come.

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