Of quirks and quirks

Tapp, Tapp, Tapp, Tapp, Tapp, Tapp, Tapp, Tapp, Tapp, Tapp, Tapp, Tapp, Tapp, Tapp, Tapp, Tapp, Tapp? Well, now a bit annoyed? Then it's just like the Spanish tennis pro Rafael Nadal in the 2018 Wimbledon semi-final against Serbian Novak Djokovic. This one has the habit of letting the ball throb countless times before each serve, before finally thundering it over the net with force. I followed the extremely exciting semi-final and was fascinated by this quirk Djokovics. Now it is not that Nadal himself had played completely free of almost neurotic compulsive acts. Also before each (really every!) Serve he unwinds his very own and always the same ritual: plucking trousers, stroking hair behind the right ear, stroking hair behind the left ear, briefly tapping the shoulder with his free hand, wipe the sweat from the nose and let's go. No wonder the game of the two tennis aces lasted a whopping 5:15 hours. Without their various ticks, the match could easily have ended in half the time.

Careful, Fugue!

In a critical look at one's own behaviors, one will almost certainly discover one or the other flaw in oneself. As a child, for example, for a while I kept meticulous care not to step on the joints of the floor covering. That was not a problem with the large sidewalk tiles on the pavement? Nevertheless, I made good progress with a few small intermediate hops. It became difficult with our bathroom tiles, which were about the size of a matchbox. To get to the bathroom, I had to climb over the washing machine and the edge of the bathtub, according to the motto, why easy, if it's difficult? At some point I came up with the idea to build a kind of walkable bridge over the mini tiles from several towels. Clever, right? Did not find my mother. At some point she had been lying in wait for wondering about all the dirty towels and the clean floor. After that was over with these "silly Kinkerlitzchen"? (Original sound Mama).

Is the stove really out?

So, and now listen: How many of you look after cooking several times, whether they have really turned off the stove? Or go back to the already locked front door to check if it is actually locked? Or check after shopping again and again, whether the debit card is also safe in the wallet? Better to look again. Mannomann, questions about questions. Actually, one knows the answers already: The stove is off, the front door and so on. And yet, over and over comes this nagging uncertainty. Pretty annoying and deeply human, but luckily not worrying. It only gets bad when these thoughts become unbearable for the person concerned and bring with them an immense suffering and a real restriction of the quality of life. At the same time, those affected are always aware of the irrationality of their thoughts and the resulting (forced) actions.

From harmless quirks to obsessive-compulsive disorder

All these irrational behaviors are based on control. If this control compulsion is strong, it can become a serious burden for the person concerned. An attempt to resist compulsion usually leads to strong feelings of anxiety and great inner tension. This extremely unpleasant condition can only be alleviated temporarily by a renewed execution of the relevant compulsory act. At this point, psychologists talk about obsessive-compulsive disorder as described in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. (ICD codes) is marked with the abbreviation F42. About two percent of all Germans suffer from such obsessive-compulsive disorder whose causes so far can only be speculated. In addition to a possible genetic disposition (heredity) are now traumatic experiences in childhood as well as a metabolic disorder of the brain (serotonin deficiency) as possible triggers into focus.

Since it is often difficult to control this obsessive-compulsive disorder on its own, in many cases professional help is needed. A psychologist can make a reliable diagnosis in the context of a conversation based on various criteria. The treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder usually occurs as a combination therapy with the cornerstones of behavioral therapy and drug treatment.

What can I do myself?

Fortunately, from my little quirks and quirks (I'm also a stove-off and door to control freak) so far, no serious obsessive-compulsive disorder. In order to break the cycle of repetitive control, it helps me to perform the action ONCE VERY CONSCIOUSLY. This means: I turn off the stove or lock the door, telling myself exactly what I'm doing.It feels a bit strange to say loud and clear to the empty kitchen: "I turn off the stove now !? Or to stand in the stairwell and for all the neighbors good to me? I closed the door? accept? but is that it? Main thing it helps!

My Hero Academia Quirks Explained - Quirkology 101 | Get In The Robot | April 2024