Remove the cornea gently and effectively

Since I walk a lot and I am also a lot on the job, I have enormous problems with the cornea. Years ago I had bought an electronic set for grinding, but they have too little power. The pedicure was pleasant, but at some point too expensive and always termengwang. But it works differently, to remove the cornea gently and effectively.

So I went into my garage and took out my old delta sander, plus the matching sandpaper attachments and set off.

The cornea was easily removed, no damage or injury and even the toenails can be treated gently.

The vibration of the delta sander is even a kind of relaxing massage, just wonderful!

The feet are as smooth as a baby's bottom.

After a survey of my acquaintances and neighbors, everyone has a delta sander in the household. And even if not, it costs about 20 euros. Mine is about 15 years old and runs and runs and runs. The best thing is that you can buy the essays very cheap, even the grain is available in many variations and hold, if you only use it for the feet ... years.

In my opinion, effective and cheap.

Have fun trying.

How To Use Eye Ointment | How To Apply Ointment To The Eyes | How To Administer An Eye Ointment | April 2024