Screening in the garden - cheap with beans

Screening against prying eyes - inexpensively home-grown - in the garden.

Passing our terrace is a footpath to the Scheibchenvillen, which adjoin our property. You do not even believe how many times someone passes by there and can literally look at the cake plate.

An inexpensive protection you get with runner beans. Just water a few, then put in a large planter, do not forget to water. Use bamboo sticks as a climbing aid and then watch how the greenery winds up. This works even now at the end of June, but the best time for the action is mid-May.

Pretty flowers, depending on the type of bean red or white are also quite fast. At the end of the season you still have a few handfuls of delicious beans that you can process in the kitchen. Let some pods ripen properly, then it will work again with the outdoor seating next year.

The nice thing is, if the beans are in the bucket you can also move it, depending on the position of the sun, it is also a bit shady.

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