Something effective against orange peel

First, something to me. I am a small petite slender person, but from time to time I also had these unsightly dents and I do not tell DELLEN Dellchen ... laugh and then I thought, "Well ... too much stress again".

When I'm under stress (unfortunately it happens often) my body acidifies (literally ... I'm mad!), Water gets lodged and a HILL LANDSCAPE was visible. Test strips taken from the pharmacy and tested. Yes, angry without end. Basica, taken daily and a little bit on the diet, as there are also sour foods. When Paunggner-Poppe looked, when the next waning moon is and already went my cure. Every day the legs massaged (efasit leg lotion with caffeine from Rossmann) and drunk nettle tea drunk (especially effective between 15: 00-19: 00 o'clock) and lo and behold. The dents were almost gone and I decided on the next waning moon to continue, which I did. Now I automatically do this treatment every month (or every second, I am also lazy) and these dents have no chance or are soooo minimal (when squeezing a small bump).

The next waning moon is from 29.05.-11.6., Just try it, but ... THROUGH. It really works and you do not need expensive creams and oils (they do not help anyway, all frills).

You will never throw away orange peels after watching this | April 2024