Talk about problems with children

Sometimes parents do not always talk to their little ones about problems and worries, be it because of work or just a stressful day.

You do not always notice the little ones when they are worried, so I always did that so we had a ritual every night. First we read a goodnight story together, then we prayed and then still cuddled in bed, always wondering what the day was like, what happened in kindergarten or school.

I noticed that only then did the children remember everything they had forgotten when they came to rest in the evening. Then it is first told diligently and the parents then best listen attentively. So often good conversations come about that the children would otherwise often forget. Some do it at dinner, but if you is an extended family and want to tell everyone, the children often do not come to talk.

I always asked what she was so busy, if it was possibly quarrels with friends and just like that, then the child can talk about everything from the soul and does not have to brood alone in bed at night. If something has happened, you can think about a solution, so the child is also happy, because everything has been clarified.

My daughter e.g. always had trouble falling asleep, having quarrels with friends, or having an exam at school next day, so you can calm the children down and just show that you're interested in what they're doing.

Especially if you have several children, you should do this often, since otherwise such conversations come about too rarely and no mother or father wants, that the children have to fall asleep with worries and thoughts, it is already hard enough when adult and then get to know the right worries or problems.

Sometimes I also have selected such books, e.g. about children having quarrels with school friends and then in the end everything went well. That makes the children then courage to talk about it or then come up with the idea, how to clarify some things easily.

How Do I Talk to a Parent About Problems with Their Child? | April 2024