The 12 Schüßler salts

Schuessler salts are not scientifically justified and the effectiveness is not proven by independent scientific studies - nevertheless, the salts are very popular as a gentle healing method.

You have to decide for yourself whether it fits or not. For those who are interested and who are open to alternative methods, this list is helpful:

The 12 Schuessler salts - there are another 15 supplements that I do not list here.

To say it in advance: Schüßler salts are NOT salty! They are tasteless, but contain lactose, which is to be considered in lactose intolerance.

Schüßler salts are an alternative cure that should not be dismissed from the outset that homeopathy is humbug. Dr. Schuessler rejected the principle of homeopathy, the same / like to combat with the same principle, and relied on chemical / physiological processes. The effect of homeopathy and biochemistry is fundamentally different.

Homeopathy uses thousands of remedies. Schüßler only twelve.

It is up to anyone to be negative or positive. I z. B. trust in conventional medicine, but I'm still the Schuessler salts?

What are Schüßler salts?

Dr. Schuessler examined twelve minerals for their presence in the human body and found that organ disorders are often based on a deficiency of various minerals. He prescribed minerals that should stimulate the body to increase the absorption of minerals.

The right dosage

For acute symptoms, one tablet should be taken every 5 to 15 minutes. For children, toddlers and infants apply different dosages, these should be clarified or read beforehand.

The right intake

Schuessler tablets are slowly melted in the mouth (tasteless), so that they can be absorbed through the oral mucosa. (Exception is the "Hot Seven ?, I'll come to that later).

This should be done a few minutes before or after the meal, so that the intake is not affected.

Who several Cell salts would like to take over the day. One variety in the morning, the other one at noon and in the evening.

Here are the 12 salts

Schüßler Salt No. 1: Calcium fluoratum: the bone agent

  • This salt affects the connective tissue, joints and skin.
  • It not only strengthens the connective tissue, it is also important for the strength of muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, enamel.
  • To be used for skin diseases, varicose veins, joint pain, stressful knees and hips.
  • Deficiency is manifested by increased corneal formation, hemorrhoids, dry, cracked skin.

Schüßler salt No. 2: Calcium phoshoricum: the tonic

  • The salt of bones and teeth.
  • Important for the regeneration of cells and the protein metabolism.
  • To be used for back pain, circulatory disorders and for regeneration, calf cramps, brittle bones, weather sensitivity, exhaustion.

Schüßler salt No. 3: Ferrum phosphoricum: the inflammatory agent

  • The salt of the metabolism and immune system. (Oxygen transport in the body)
  • To be used for colds, fever, inflammations, arthritis, swelling.

Schüßler Salt No. 4: Kaliuim chloratum: The mucous membrane agent

  • The salt of the glands and mucous membranes (tissue structure).
  • To be used for overweight, throat infections, colds, for detoxification (environmental toxins, pleasure poisons, medicines, chemicals).
  • A deficiency is manifested by a sensitive stomach, inflammation of the mucous membranes, thickening of blood and broom-tears.

Schüßler Salt No. 5: Potassium phosphoricum: The muscle-nerve agent

  • The salt of the nerves and the psyche, muscles, blood fluid.
  • Important for brain power, energy balance and nerve strength, general structure.
  • To use in exhaustion, listlessness, insomnia, muscle weakness the drug of choice.

Schüßler salt No. 6; Kalium sulfuricum: The skin remedy

  • The salt of cell metabolism.
  • Important for the purification, the liver and for the pigmentation of the skin.
  • Used for sinusitis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and asthma.

Schüßler salt No. 7: Magnesium phosphoricum: the nerve agent

  • The salt of the bones, liver, thyroid, muscles and nerves.
  • Important for balancing relaxation and drive (relaxes the muscles and promotes sleep).
  • Use in case of cramps, migraine, pain, tightness in the heart (urgent clarification), nervous indigestion.

Schüßler Salt No. 8: Sodium chloratum: The Irrigation Agent

  • The salt for regulating the fluid balance.
  • Important for cell neoplasm and mucous membranes.
  • To be used on dry skin, diabetes, rheumatism, constantly running nose, craving for salt.

Schüßler salt no.9: Sodium phoshoricum: the deacidifying agent

  • The salt of the acid-base balance.
  • Important for the fat metabolism.
  • To be used for overweight, elevated blood lipid levels and gout.
  • A defect can be seen in gallstones, urinary tract and bladder infections, impure skin, rheumatic diseases.
  • Sadness, loneliness, irritability.

Schüßler Salt No. 10: Sodium sulfuricum: The excretory agent

  • The salt of the discharge / purification.
  • Important for the excretion of metabolites from the liver and intestine.
  • To be used for colds, indigestion, headaches, excess water retention, itching, constipation.

Schüßler Salt No. 11: Silicea: the stabilizer

  • The salt of connective tissue, nails, skin and hair.
  • Important for the strength of the connective tissue., Hair growth, stability of the nails andnervous performance.
  • Use in connective tissue weakness, deficiency of weakness, atherosclerosis, to heal bacterial inflammation.
  • A deficiency can be recognized by a tendency to fistulas, boils, corns, hair loss, irregular bowel movements.
  • Sagging joints, uterine depression.

Schüßler Salt No. 12: Calcium sulfuricum: The joint salt

  • The salt of the dynamics.
  • Important for metabolic activity, joint strengthening.
  • To be used for suppuration, rheumatism, osteoarthritis, barley grain / pimples, throat infections, chronic diseases.

The "Hot Seven? ? the most important salt for pain, inflammation

As the name implies, there is the Hot seven from salt no. 7: Magnesium phosphoricum

In acute cases, take 10 tablets of No. 7 in a cup of hot water.

The tablets dissolve quickly. To stir, be sure to use a plastic or wooden spoon - never use metal!

After dissolving the Hot 7 Drink in small sips and keep each sip in your mouth for a while.

  • The Hot 7? is appreciated for sleep disorders, convulsions and stress management.
  • The application can be used up to four times a day.
  • As with any application of the Schüßler salts can also do that Hot seven be easily combined with other salts.
  • It is independent of age and can be used without problems even in infants / toddlers, albeit at a lower dose.
  • In acute diseases use the potency D6, in chronic diseases D12.

This list is not exhaustive. Anyone who is interested in the salts, will find the Internet and detailed advice.

Perhaps I have inspired one or the other with my listing to inform oneself more extensively.

What is Bioplasma? (Cell Salts, Tissue Salts) | April 2024