The perfect omelette


Total preparation time: 15 min.

After my "scrambled eggs from the microwave" has arrived so well, I would like to get rid of my absolute Top3000 tip on Omlette.

And I can tell you that you will not regret using this tip.

So, THE PROBLEM! The big problem with omelets is usually that you hit your eggs, then stub them in the pan and you either wait until they are completely squashed to be able to turn them without the (still) wobbly part of the omelette turning on shelves, or just wait too long and then call down a black page and up a raw page.

THE SOLUTION! Okay ... Take two or three eggs and beat them nicely in a bowl. A small shot of carbonated mineral water makes the final product absolutely fluffy; a small dash of milk makes it creamy-fluffy - or just chocolatey good. ;-) Do not forget spices. So just a little bit of grained / instant broth or salt.

Personally, I do not like pepper right now, but add it later, because it looks nicer - but that's a matter of taste. Feel free to try garlic, etc. in the egg mass: there are no limits to creativity.

Well ... The egg mass is ready. Heat the pan, add some oil or butter and then add the egg and sauté. Watch out! Important: Simply buffle the egg and do not worry about the top. It's just going to get tighter down.

Now comes the TRICK! Place your oven on top heat or grill function and then add some cheese directly to your Omlette. Then take the whole pan and put it in the oven. Your Omlette is now fried from the bottom at will (some like it crisper, others rather soft). And now it gets the rest in the oven. Within 30 seconds to 1 minute your Omlette is cooked perfectly from the top. Be careful! We want a nice egg.

Based on the color of the cheese you can see how good your Omlette is - of course there are different tastes. Once it is perfect to your taste, just take out, let slip on a plate (works usually without any problem at all) and cover ... et voila: The perfect Omlette - below perfect, above perfect - just perfect 3000.

How to...Make a Perfect Omelette | April 2024