The simplest potato salad - always succeeds

Recipe for a very simple potato salad - always succeed.

In the past, I could not do any potato salad. No matter what I did, the salad always tasted pathetic. Instead of potato salad my loved ones always had to eat white bread - for Brathendl z. B. a dubious pleasure.

I was very ashamed of this blemish until my very best friend betrayed her recipe - she described it as "absolutely idiot-proof". And because I've recently seen in real life how many people can not make potato salad, I present this recipe today:

This is how it's done

  1. For four people, cook about 1 kg of potatoes (mainly solid or firm), peel and let cool.
  2. Finely dice one or two small onions (fat sorry to all onion hater: without onions a real potato salad does not funzt! But if you really want it, try it without it!) And fry in plenty of salad oil. Pour a cup of strong broth and simmer for a few minutes.
  3. Slice the potatoes. Remove the onion stock from the heat. Two to three tablespoons of vinegar (herb vinegar or white wine vinegar tastes best to me personally) and a teaspoon of mustard stir it.
  4. If you love Maggi, you may as well add that to the game (please, no Maggi discussions).
  5. Sprinkle the potato slices vigorously with salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Pour over the still hot marinade, mix well and let it pass for at least an hour.
  7. By thinning the onions, the salad is also better tolerated by sensitive people.

Inspiration and good mood: THAT’S CINEMA! | Agnès Varda | TEDxVeniceBeach | April 2024