Weaken the carbonic acid content of the mineral water

If you pour a glass of mineral water and you can not drink it immediately, because it burns too much in your throat, you should add a pinch of soda. Do not stir! The carbon dioxide is then immediately strongly attenuated, the water gets a good taste and is also healthy for the stomach by the soda!

Bäuerchen: @ machine: If you think that tap water "somehow chemically" tastes - your thing, ours tastes absolutely neutral. If the addition of carbon dioxide in drinks is an invention that nobody needs: Ever drank cola or champagne drunk? Tastes good, right?
The "experts" who recommend expensive still water are probably interested in doing business. Neutral, environmentally aware experts have always recommended tap water, with or without CS.
The almost manic fear of gaseous secretions is only instilled. Not to eat cabbage, for example, just because of the inevitable bloating? I exclaim to these tender-stricken people: "Then fart with relish, it's part of being human - it does not have to be in the elevator or anything like that, and burping can be so liberating - wonderful!

Is Carbonated (Sparkling) Water Good or Bad for You? | April 2024