Wild salad with mozzarella, blueberries and poppy dressing


Preparation time: 20 min.
Total preparation time: 20 min.

Inspired by a recipe video, I have tried a very interesting tasting salad combination, which now has a permanent place in my kitchen. Very light and very refreshing. Ideal for a warm summer evening.


  • 1 pack of wild lettuce (about 150-200 g)
  • 1 ball of mozzarella (100-150 g)
  • 75 g of blueberries
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 x 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel
  • 2 tbsp fennel honey
  • 1 tbsp white wine
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon of poppy seeds
  • Seasoned Salt


Step 1:

Roast the poppy seeds in a hot, dry pan for about 3 minutes, stirring. Then let the poppy cool down.

Roast the poppy seeds in a hot, dry pan for about 3 minutes, stirring. Then let the poppy cool down.

Step 2:

Cut the mozzarella ball into approx. 7 slices.

Make a marinade with 1 teaspoon of lemon peel and 1 tbsp of oil and herbal salt and sprinkle with the mozzarella slices and marinate.

Make a marinade with 1 teaspoon of lemon peel and 1 tbsp of oil and herbal salt and sprinkle with the mozzarella slices and marinate.

Step 3:

In a salad bowl mix another marinade of roasted poppy seeds, white wine, 2 tbsp oil, fennel honey, lemon juice and herbal salt and divert 1 tbsp of this marinade for the decoration.

In a salad bowl mix another marinade of roasted poppy seeds, white wine, 2 tbsp oil, fennel honey, lemon juice and herbal salt and divert 1 tbsp of this marinade for the decoration.

Step 4:

Wash blueberries and salad and drain.

Add the blueberries and salad to the salad bowl (keep a few blueberries for the decoration) and mix well with the marinade.

Arrange in the salad bowl or on a plate, salad and mozzarella slices and decorate with remaining blueberries and remaining poppy marinade.

The original recipe uses only baby spinach. A few leaves of it were also contained in the wild salad. A whole helping of spinach salad is too intense for me, I'm more for the variety that brings the wild salad with it.

This results in a light dinner for 1 person.

My modification of the original recipe:

The original recipe uses only baby spinach. A few leaves of it were also contained in the wild salad. A whole helping of spinach salad is too heavy for me, I'm more for the variety that brings the wild salad, could imagine the same with just rocket salad or just corn salad. In the original, white wine vinegar was used instead of white wine and normal honey instead of fennel honey. Since I do not like the vinegar flavor, and love the fennel flavor, I have modified it accordingly. You can use fresh lemons for the juice and the shell. However, I have resorted to ready-bought lemon juice and lemon zest, because I do not always have unspiked biocrites available.

These ingredients make a light dinner for 1 person - wild salad with mozzarella, blueberries and poppyseed dressing.

The basic idea is to combine lettuce with lemon, poppy seeds, berries and cheese. I will try it out many times and vary it with individual components.

Kale Salad with Yogourt Poppyseed Dressing | May 2024