Wonder butt in babies and toddlers

Who does not know that suddenly the baby / toddler has a sore bottom? Within a short time and then really open.

What now? In my job as a pediatric nurse at a children's ward, an open butt often occurs. You have to do something quickly or it will progress. So a colleague gave me a tip for eternal years: take in equal parts Vaseline, Penatencreme, liver tincture and zinc ointment.

This is mixed well and distributed generously on the butt.

Vaseline keeps away fluid, protects zinc, liver oil heals and our good Penatencreme makes the skin supple.

This is definitely not advertising, we have cured with this mixture a 1x2 cm open wound. Which of course also has to be done ... very good hygiene and occasionally ten to thirty minutes in the open air.

I have been using this for almost 20 years and also with my own child. As soon as redness came .... ointment on it and good. The mixture lasts six months in a sealed can.

Good luck!

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