Dry wet clothing with silicate cat litter much faster

If you want to dry wet clothes without the help of electricity, heating, manual labor or draft, you can use cat litter. It does not matter how wet the laundry is, the tip also works to get already thrown laundry even drier.

However, it must be special silicate cat litter, which consists of 100% silica gel. Silica are small, transparent beads that can absorb a lot of water.

It is the same material that is also found in dehumidifier cans and small bags that come with some electronic items to absorb condensation.

It does not stick or clump, does not smell, is completely non-toxic, has a high water absorption capacity and can even be reused after drying.

It takes about 10 liters of silicate cat litter (available in any pet shop or Rossmann, etc.), 5 liters cost about 5 euros.

Place the cat litter in a large container, such as a plastic tub, so that it has as much contact with the air as possible. Very important: put the container as close as possible to the damp laundry.

It works very well if you place the laundry directly on the container. Even better is the effect, if the clothes have direct contact with the cat litter, you only have to shake it off well afterwards. After about half a day, you realize that the laundry dries much faster than if it only dried in the air on its own.

The cat litter can then be dried again on the heater, where it gives off the stored moisture and becomes absorbent again.

Dollar Do-It-Yourself 1: CHEAP Dessicant/Moisture, Mold & Mildew Control | May 2024