Grant drinking cup space-saving

Porcelain cups have replaced the good old cup with saucer in our daily use. I have set up a cupboard drawer to give you space-saving and tidy space. The base is too small, but the height is sufficient for stacking two.

As the first picture shows, I stacked and was never quite satisfied. You always have to handle it very carefully when removing it.

There came to me an idea: I collected various cucumber glass lids, put them on the cups in the? Lower floor? and on top of that comes the second cup. The lids are larger than the opening of the cups (must be). So arises in the? Upper floor? a secure location on the lid.

In the dining room cabinet, where I keep good dishes, I also have drinking cups made of porcelain for 12 people, all with the same design. These I stacked by means of covers in three floors. Looks like. They have Christmas motives, but carry advertising on the handles, which I have made unrecognizable.

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