Is drinking too much water harmful?

For a long time, the statement was: a lot of drinking is healthy!
Health brochures were full of phrases like: vitality and healthy skin through drinking!

What happens if drinking too much is harmful or even fatal?

The human organism consists of 60% water. Thirst arises when the organism suffers from a water loss of 0.5% of body weight. Anyone who ignores the feeling of thirst for a long time runs the risk of drying up. If the body dries up, the salt and water are no longer in harmony.
The result: The fluidity of our blood is impaired, a life-threatening situation arises.

In return, the risk of water poisoning by drinking too much

The human organism can only excrete a certain amount of fluid again. For this he needs salt / sodium!
Because of our low-salt diet and widespread beliefs today, I have to drink a lot, even if I'm not thirsty? It can sometimes cause damage to the heart, liver or kidneys. In extreme cases, there is a risk of water poisoning.

What is water poisoning?

If we drink large quantities of water in a short time, the minerals present in the body are greatly diluted and excreted through the urine. The resulting sodium deficiency causes thirst, the dangerous cycle begins. If one follows the feeling of thirst, the salt concentration sinks further, renewed feeling of thirst arises. Significant risks such as renal failure, cardiac arrhythmia, dyspnoea, vomiting and convulsions are at risk at this point. Especially inexperienced endurance athletes, severe cases of water poisoning have even led to death in the past.

What is the recommended drinking volume?

The German Nutrition Society recommends that a healthy adult drink 1.5 liters of water a day. For example, due to exercise, heavy sweating, vomiting and diarrhea, up to 3 liters per day are recommended.

Basically you hear more and more advice: "Drink when you are thirsty !?

Attention: This advice is not suitable for the elderly. Elderly people generally feel less thirsty! This is because their thirst center in the brain does not work as well as younger people.

Conclusion: I think, drinking when you're thirsty? and do not lose sight of the recommended drinking volume, sounds like a good solution! Or what do you mean? How much do you drink during the day?

Can Drinking Too Much Water Harm You? | April 2024