Quince Marmalade


Preparation time: 30 min.
Cooking or baking time: 20 min.
Total preparation time: 50 min.

It's quince time again and for those who have not yet processed this delightful fruit my jam recipe.

I used to cook the quince pure, but the slightly tart taste did not work well with kids. Now I cook the whole thing with orange juice and mix some sweet apples underneath.

The quince marmalade tastes very good and I have to be careful to save some glasses for my winter supply myself.


Everyone has to choose the quantity, which is different for everyone.

  • ripe quince, nice yellow flesh
  • a third of apples
  • Orange juice (freshly squeezed or from the health food store)
  • Gelierzucker
  • Juice of lemons


  1. The quinces are thoroughly brushed off until the brown fluff disappears. Then cut the quinces around the core, just the pulp.
  2. Chop the apples without casing and cook with the quince pieces in orange juice.
  3. Puree the whole thing until it looks like applesauce, now add the gelling sugar and the Zironensaft.
  4. Boil for another three to four minutes bubbly, stirring.
  5. Fill the whole Kladeradatsch in glasses and close.

You can also freeze this jam well.

Tudor Quince Marmalade | February 2025