Rice casserole - sweet variant


Preparation time: 30 min.
Cooking or baking time: 60 min.
Rest period: 30 min.
Total preparation time: 2 hours

A sweet rice casserole can be enjoyed not only warm - as a main course - but also cold, as a dessert. At that time, my mom could make us vegetables in the form of a vegetable soup tasty, if it gave then Reisauflauf.


  • 500 ml of milk
  • 160 g rice round grain !!
  • 4 tbsp sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tbsp grated lemon peel
  • a bit of salt
  • Butter and breadcrumbs for the casserole dish
  • a handful of raisins, if you like


  1. Bring the cold milk to the boil, add rice and salt and simmer, stirring frequently with a low cooker setting (about 30 minutes).
  2. Unfortunately, it can not be avoided that a coating forms on the bottom of the pot. Do not scrape it while stirring, otherwise you will have some chunks in the food. The slow simmering at low temperature is also very important, otherwise the coating becomes dark brown and the food becomes bitter.
  3. When the rice has absorbed the milk and is mushy, immediately pour the rice porridge into a bowl and allow to cool slightly.
  4. As the rice cools, you have time to separate the eggs and beat egg whites. You also have time to grease the casserole dish and sprinkle it with the bread crumbs.
  5. The egg yolks, the sugar and the lemon puree are then stirred into the cooled rice mass and finally the egg whites (and raisins) are lifted.
  6. This mass is now filled in the casserole dish and baked at 185 ° for about 60 minutes.
  7. The ready-baked rice casserole should be allowed to rest for a while - so it is cut and should also be eaten lukewarm.


You can also improve the rice casserole with leafy cut apples ?: Half of the rice mass is filled into the mold, then the apples sprinkled with cinnamon are distributed and the second half of the rice is put on. Bake as already stated.

For rice casserole you can serve any kind of compote.

Rice pudding | May 2024