Room fragrance with cloves & mandarins

Such carnation mandarins have brought my children as a winter crafting from the kindergarten and school.

The "pedagogically valuable" is the fine motor exercise. It does not matter in which arrangement or pattern the carnations are in the tangerine, the little ones have a "sense of smell and sense of achievement", if in their room the self-tipped tangerine decently discreetly in front of him.

All you need is a tangerine, whole cloves and a toothpick. With the toothpick, the mandarins are aufgeiekt, in the resulting holes, the carnations are peppered. If you like the "dwarves," you can put so many carnations in your tangerine until it looks like a hedgehog. Maybe Mama still has some goofy eyes to stick on? Or you put three carnations so that they look like eyes and noses.

The tangerine in the photo was not created by a child's hand. During my Christmas shopping, I've had a big mandarin bug: a whole box of hard, pungent orange mini-balls. First of all, I got the thing with my knife, but then I did not like it anymore.

It would not have been enough to squeeze it out, so I bought some cloves and peppered them. The finished hedgehogs are simply placed on the heater and then smell. No mold, no smacking, they dry up and become hard. If you do not like them anymore, they just come to the crap, but that can take three weeks.

So, if you ever make such a bad buy, do not bother about it.

If you are annoyed for a minute, you missed the chance to be happy for 60 seconds.

My Home Fragrance Obsession (+ Reviews) / sillyfacealice | April 2024