Super easy meatballs

I have tried this recipe today and will not change my meatballs. The preparation: on 600 g minced meat come a bag of onion soup and plenty of parsley, with an egg and breadcrumbs. Simply stir in the powder of the soup. That's it! A great potato salad and a great summer dinner is ready.

Cally: I had to laugh at the first reading yesterday morning at the thought of how many objections to the "chemistry" with what sayings will come. For people who like it and who have no allergies to flavor enhancers, that's a great idea.
I must always wonder that but no cries, if as a tip, for example, "large-scale shopping together with neighbors" is recommended, if it at the supermarket pork for 2.99? per kilo there.
Since then everyone does not care what torments the animals have to endure, so that the "animal producer" can offer it so cheap ...

Sorry for the ot, dorle. Cally: @ Silverlady:
I am neither young nor unreasonable. I also do not like a bag, make myself, whatever I can do myself, pay attention to organic quality, eat much less meat than before, I prefer to do occasionally, which does not come from factory farming and "fabrication". Nevertheless, I find it boring, with really every mention of finished products in the tips to read a few raised forefingers and rumbled noses that rant against it.
What I mean by # 7 is that you should not get involved with Maggi and Co. and, by not using them, consciously eat "good", but just think about it in other directions. A "I did not know that", in this case, for example, the incredibly brutal animal cruelty in the "meat production" (alone this term ...) is not there for a long time, there is enlightenment from all sides.
To demonize convenience products and at the same time to consume cheap meat and sausage, I consider suspect and insincere.

That was my reason to comment here.

Cally, who still has the Maggi bottle in her cupboard for her potato pancakes; o).

How To Make Quick and Easy Meatballs | May 2024