Very tasty mayowowle with strawberries


Preparation time: 1 hr.
Rest period: 12 hours
Total preparation time: 13 hrs.

Maibowlen Variation: I have a very delicious recipe for a mayowle here, which I would not want to withhold from you. In addition to a little time to develop the aroma, you need the following:


  • 2 bowls of fresh strawberries
  • 8 to 10 stalks of woodruff, preferably before flowering
  • 3 tbsp sugar
  • 8 to 12 cl of brandy
  • 3 bottles of semi-dry to dry white wine
  • 2 to 3 bottles of semi-dry sparkling wine


  1. First of all, the woodruff stalks are tied together and left to wither for a few hours.
  2. Then the strawberries are washed under running water, cleaned, large fruits are cut in half, small ones are filled into a sufficiently large bowling vat,
  3. Now you give the sugar over the fruits and finally the brandy is distributed over the fruit-sugar mixture.
  4. This mixture should then be kept cool for a few hours, preferably over night when time permits, and be well drained.
  5. After the waiting time, the wine is poured over the fruit and a bottle of champagne is already added to the mixture. Now the bound Waldmeister bouquet is hung over a wooden spoon with the leaves down and these should then be in contact with the wine - depending on the desired intensity of taste - over 2 to 4 hours. Under no circumstances should the stems get into the alcohol, then the punch will be bitter!
  6. After the desired aroma is achieved, you can remove the woodruff and add either a portion or to taste the whole remaining bottle of sparkling wine!

In any case, it should be noted that wine and sparkling wine are not the cheapest variety, because a punch is only a good punch, if the ingredients are of the appropriate quality.

The stated total preparation time can of course be shortened, but the bowling flavor is better in any case, the longer the ingredients can rest and pull through!

Have fun and make a happy cheer on spring!

shinchan very very tasty tasty song 2013 | April 2024