A screw jar in the house

As a beautiful decoration and as a present, I dress up once in a while with a self-drying modeling clay.

For this purpose, a part of the modeling mass is rolled out thinly and placed around the glass and pressed firmly, as well as the lid, but so that the lid is still screwed. Afterwards, motives that have been shaped as you wish are put on or worked into the material.

Here it is a house with windows, door and rose tendrils. Then let the modeling mass dry well before everything is painted and painted nicely.

Of course, a different motive can be chosen than a house.

Floral motifs or any other motif that pleases is also very beautiful.

The glass is used for different things that should not be seen or that should not get light. It is also very useful as a mouse bug.

Of course you can also give it away very well filled.

Mason Jar Painting 101 | April 2024