Collect dishes and do not rinse until it's worth it

No dishwasher? Collect dishes and do not rinse until it's worth it.

Not every household has a dishwasher, whether "on principle" or other reasons. A dishwasher, however, has undoubtedly two advantages: The dirty dishes are only out of sight, and it is only washed off when enough has accumulated.

These advantages can be "imitated": You store dishes and cutlery "between" in one of these everywhere for little money available plastic boxes with a lid. She then takes the place of the dishwasher. So that it is not a stinkige affair, Esssensreste should be already largely removed, but that is also highly recommended for the SpüMa.

Rinsing is done when the box is full. Or if there are no dishes left. Or because you just feel like it.

Some people will not understand the meaning. I offer: Energy and water savings, because not for a few parts of water must be heated. Less detergent consumption. And also a little time is saved, because the "Vorrüstzeit" for once large quantity is shorter than for five times small amount.

It may be natural that the crockery / cutlery is so "counted" that collecting is possible bad. In this case, I recommend buying additional, is nowadays not so much a cost point as before. If necessary, sometimes the one-euro-shop-article for "all days".

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