Make a 5-minute terrine yourself

Since I have only a kettle at work and otherwise have no opportunity to get warm food, I came up with this idea with the homemade ready-made food.

You need:

an empty glass with screw cap (cucumber glass for 500ml content)
a kitchen scale
45g mashed potatoes flakes
25g fried onions
1 tablespoon of dried chives ausm glass
1/2 teaspoon vegetable broth powder
ground pepper
5 creamer portions
about 250 ml of hot water
and a spoon to stir and eat.

I fill all the dry ingredients in the glass, screw the lid on it and take it to work.

If I'm hungry at work, I'll throw the kettle and pour the hot water into the glass.

But not too much so that it does not get too fluid. Gradually add the water gradually.

Then stir the milk portions with pure and strong. Leave for a few minutes. In between stir again and the hot lunch is ready.

That does not even taste bad and makes you really tired.

Just try it. Best mix together at home and modify to your own taste.

Matcha Bubble Tea (Vegan Boba Recipe) 抹茶珍珠奶茶 | OCHIKERON | Create Eat Happy :) | May 2024