Make flower soaps

To make flower soap you need:

Curd soap residues
Dried petals
Oil (goes without)
Bowl of water
(wipeable tablecloth of advantage)


Roughly and finely rub the remnants of core soaps until you have a heap.

Sprinkle dried petals (depending on the wish of the flower) on the rubbed soap pile, if necessary, drip 1-2 drops of oil (for example wild rose) on the rubbed soap pile with petals.

While you draw out a little bit of water from the bowl with one hand and dribble on the flower-soap-pile on it, you knead the flower-soap-pile into a "doughy" mass. (If the mass gets too wet, just add soap to it.) If the mass is crumbly, just add some more water.)

So now form the flower soap (square, round, animal shape, heart, etc.) and let dry.

Also suitable as a birthday program for children!

Making of Soap Flowers DIY Idea || DIY Flower Making || Women Era - Art and Craft | April 2024