Not to be disturbed by wasps

My love of animals extends to wasps. When the first one approaches the breakfast table or the coffee table, I put a glass over them. So she is trapped and does not summon her friends by fragrances in the air. When we are done, she is let out.

ThomasSHA: First of all, I find that there are wasp enthusiasts, which unfortunately is very rare. I am a Wespenberater from the Hohenlohe area and am always happy about such messages -), thank you.
There are 12 species of wasps in Germany, of which only 2 are very obtrusive and aggressive. It is the short-headed wasp (German and the common wasp). These wasps are those that fell on our flesh and our drinks, all others like the Saxon, the medium, the hornet or the wasp are not interested in us.
In my garden I had a nest of Saxon wasp, I could walk 50 cm in front of it without being attacked. Sure, there comes a guard and looks after me, but otherwise nothing happens.
Next year, I'll be back in my oven, including hornets (under conservation).

Drinking from bottles does not have to be real outdoors, especially since we know that now the wasp time starts. Made of glasses and on it a beer cap, that's already safe enough.
On prepared food hoods over it, does not keep wasps far away, but at least no crawls into the food.
Beware even with Fallobst, it can happen that a wasp in the apple, pear, plum, mirabelle ect. sits and we do not see them .... a wasp in the mouth is life threatening.
Bright clothes are best kept in white, soothing wasps ... dark, on the other hand, makes them aggresive (can make them aggressive).
It is quite possible to scare away a wasp with a quick hand movement, no hectic movements .... it will not sting.
I once had a handshake, so I'll wait until it goes by itself, because taking off the glove can already be a danger to the wasp.
Do not wear polos with collar or jeans that are far down. It is best to always wear a sun hat in the garden, so that no long-haired people can catch a wasp, that's not joke, it's meant seriously.
If you have questions about wasps, I am here to help.
Soon my website will go online, which I would like to announce here.
Under // you can be helped with many questions already, a forum with Wasp consultants.

I wish you many more beautiful and wasp sting free sunny days :-)

LG Thomas ThomasSHA: Well, here again written in a short form:

Wasps Only the German or common wasp is quite aggressive when it comes to the defense of the nest, so if you want to destroy the nest or ect the approach path with furniture. adjusted.
But even they are, outside the nest, actually very peaceful, if admittedly annoying.
If you do not hit or blow on you, then they will not hurt you. A wasp never stings without a reason.
However, if it stings once, then it may be that she was previously annoyed by another person.

Hornets are the most peaceful wasps there is. You can even observe them directly in front of the nest, after observing some important rules, even observe what is very interesting.
I myself feed the hornet with maple syrup or bees dough and they eat from my hand.
I have this year in schools to inform about these little animals and protect them as they are very important to our environment.

Incidentally, a Hornet sting is firstly not dangerous and secondly, it does not hurt more than a wasp sting.
Sting bees causes more pain, as the sting remains in the skin and the poison is pumped ever further into our tissue, so it is also important to remove the bee sting immediately.

For further questions or for the address of my HP just send an email, I answer all questions.

LG Thomas

How Not To Destroy A Hornets Nest! Man Gets Stung Multiple Times! Burnt & Stung! | April 2024